A teacher in a classroom of pupils

Secondary education resource acknowledgements and testimonials


Video acknowledgement

Special thanks to the staff and young people at Company of Angels, Islington Community Theatre and Urban Collective Project for producing the videos.

Advisory group acknowledgement

Special thanks to the following organisations and schools for their support in developing Equal Rights, Equal Respect:
Ministry of Justice, Children’s Rights Alliance for England, The Citizenship Foundation, Ofsted, Amnesty International, South Wigston High School, Mulberry School for Girls, Holyrood Academy, Caldew School, Lawnswood School, Uplands Community College.


Chris Henley, Drama teacher, South Wigston High School:

'Possibly the most important gift as teachers we can pass on to those we teach, as they grow up in this exciting and challenging world is the ability to get on with anyone, especially those who "are not like you"!

'This teaching resource is innovative, creative and invigorating. Teachers can cherry pick from a kaleidoscope of ideas and strategies what will work for them in their situation, and help them to explore these vital issues.

'The resources are contemporary and relevant to all learners, and will stimulate discussion and new learning. One of the most exciting initiatives to have emerged in recent years!'

Mary-Clare Davies, Citizenship Coordinator, Mulberry School for Girls:

The resources are engaging, relevant and fun. Students enjoyed the range of activities and were able to discuss and debate issues surrounding equality and human rights in a meaningful way. I would recommend them highly.'

David Coulson-Lowes, AST for Citizenship, Caldew School:

'The programme is comprehensive but very accessible and as a result it takes very little time to plan your lessons. Neither is a lack of specialist knowledge an issue for the teacher, well laid out notes quickly bring you up to speed and install a confidence to deliver these essential skills to the next generation.'

Carol Gannon, Subject leader, PSCE department, Lawnswood High School:

'Earlier this year our KS3 students piloted lessons 1 and 2 of the Equal Rights, Equal Respect resources. Our students enjoyed the lessons especially the discussions which emerged from them.  We had some very interesting and engaging debates. The videos allowed our kinaesthetic learners to connect with the learning and some of the activities gave the opportunity for the more able to take on leadership responsibilities. I look forward to using lessons 3-12 in this academic year and would recommend that teachers take a look at these excellent resources.'

Last updated: 19 May 2021