People outside Manchester Civil Justice Centre

Our legal action

In this section you can read about our legal powers, the action we’ve taken and how to bring a case.

  • A Court sign

    Our powers

    Find out more about the Commission's legal and enforcement powers, as well as more about our approach and panel of counsel.

  • A line of people

    Legal responses

    We aim to secure an effective legal and regulatory framework for equality and human rights. Find out more about about our legal work.

  • A busy crowded street

    Legal casework

    The Commission has significant powers to become involved in legal cases that are within the areas of equality and human rights. Find out more about cases we've been involved with.

  • Lawyer in a meeting with a client

    Inquiries and investigations

    The Commission helps people to achieve social change and ensure organisations meet their legal and moral responsibilities under equality and human rights legislation. Find out more about our inquiries and investigations into key targeted issues.