A teacher in a classroom of pupils

Lesson videos


Three unique short films, produced by Company of Angels in collaboration with young people from Islington Community Theatre, explore the negative consequences of discriminatory and harmful behaviour that is common to young people's lives. 

Our fourth film is a documentary that shows young people working with the Equality and Human Rights Commission as equality and human rights champions, pledging to take action to tackle discrimination.

Disability related bullying video

This high intensity and fast moving short film reveals the negative consequences of disability-related bullying. Dylan suffers from epilepsy and his peers taunt him in class, around school and online. Tanya plays a role that adds a twist to the story and highlights the issues with judging people.


This Crimewatch-style video reveals the consequences of racism and how low level bullying can escalate. Mohammed joins a new school and is bullied by a group of students for being 'different'. The bullying culminates in a violent accident that leads to lots of discussion around whether or not Mohammed should tell a teacher.

Gender discrimination

This urban music style video, set in a careers lesson, highlights the issues associated to gender discrimination. Beth is a young girl, who voices her ambition to become a plumber, only to be dismissed by her teacher and heckled by her peers. In Beth's imagination, gender stereotypes are reversed to highlight the absurdity of these labels.

Young equality and human rights champions

This is a documentary that shows young people working with the Equality and Human Rights Commission as equality and human rights champions, pledging to take action to tackle discrimination.

Last updated: 14 Apr 2016