About the disability-related harassment inquiry

What are agencies doing about disability-related harassment?

You can read about many examples of positive initiatives that agencies are making in the Commission's Manifesto for Change: Progress Report, published late 2013.

The issue of disability-related harassment might be 'out in the open' but it is, most certainly, not yet sorted.

Inquiry timeline

2017: At the end of year five we will conduct a final review of changes in the baseline data, assess the ultimate impact of the inquiry and publish a final review of the inquiry.

2015: Further review of agencies' progress against our recommendations.

2013 onwards: The Commission will continue to work with agencies to ensure they implement the recommendations and keep the spotlight on this issue.

2013: The Commission asked agencies what progress they have made against our recommendations in Out in the Open.

2012: Following consultation with agencies, the Commission agrees its final recommendations in how to eliminate disability related harassment and publishes these in a report titled 'Out in the open: a manifesto for change'. Baseline measures were also agreed.

2011: The Commission publishes ''Hidden in plain sight'', a report outlining the findings from the formal inquiry into disability related harassment.

The inquiry concluded that there were serious and systemic failings in the way that public authorities have dealt with disability harassment.

2009 to 2011: The Commission gathers evidence of disability related harassment and agency responses to this from individuals, disabled people's organisations, voluntary organisations, inspectorate bodies, permanent secretaries and many more.

View the final terms of reference for the inquiry.

Last updated: 29 Jun 2016