Urgent changes needed to DWP consultation, warns equality watchdog

Published: 27 Oct 2023

A spokesperson for the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said:

“We have written to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions expressing our concerns about his Department’s consultation on changes to the activities and descriptions in the Work Capability Assessment.

“The EHRC is specifically concerned about the potential impact of the proposals on disabled people.

“With the consultation set to close after only eight weeks, we consider that the consultation period is insufficient to enable disabled people and their representative organisations to respond meaningfully.

“Additionally, the published consultation materials do not include any analysis of the potential impact of the proposed changes on disabled people or other protected characteristic groups.

“It is vital that disabled people are granted the proper opportunity to engage meaningfully with this consultation process.

“We have urged DWP to extend the consultation deadline and to publish detailed analysis of the potential impact of proposals on different groups as a matter of urgency.”

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