Changes to policies and the way an organisation usually does things

Multipage Guide

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  • Employees

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The first requirement involves changing the way things are done (equality law talks about where the disabled job worker is put at a substantial disadvantage by a provision, criterion or practice of their employer).

This means the employer must look at whether they need to change some written or unwritten policies, and/or some of the ways they usually do things, to remove or reduce barriers that would place you at a substantial disadvantage, for example, by stopping you working for that employer or applying for a job with that employer or stopping you being fully involved at work.

This includes your employer's processes for deciding who is offered a job, criteria for promotion or training, benefits, working conditions and contractual arrangements.

For example:

Supervisors in an organisation are usually employed on a full-time basis. The employer agrees to a disabled person whose impairment causes severe fatigue working on a part-time or job share basis. By doing this, the employer is making a reasonable adjustment. 

For example:

The design of a particular workplace makes it difficult for a disabled person with a hearing impairment to hear, because the main office is open plan and has hard flooring, so there is a lot of background noise. Their employer agrees that staff meetings should be held in a quieter place that allows that person to fully participate in the meeting. By doing this, the employer is making a reasonable adjustment. 

Last updated: 18 Nov 2019

Further information

If you think you might have been treated unfairly and want further advice, you can contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service.

Phone: 0808 800 0082

You can email using the contact form on the EASS website.

Also available through the website are BSL interpretation, web chat services and a contact us form.


Opening hours:

9am to 7pm Monday to Friday
10am to 2pm Saturday
closed on Sundays and Bank Holidays

Alternatively, you can visit our advice and guidance page.