Services, Public functions and Associations: Statutory Code of Practice

Code of Practice

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First published: 01 Jan 2011

This is the cover of Services, public functions and associations statutory code of practice publication

This code of practice covers discrimination in services and public functions as set out in Part 3 of the Act and discrimination by associations.

Part 3 is based on the principle that people with the protected characteristics set out in the Act should not be discriminated against when using any service provided publicly or privately, whether that service is for payment or not.

This does not necessarily mean that service providers should treat everybody in exactly the same way; in some circumstances a service provider will need to provide services in a different way to meet the needs of people for example, positive action, single sex services and disabled people so that they can receive the same standard of service as far as this is possible.

The steps that service providers should take to ensure that they do not discriminate are explained in this code.

This code is to be read alongside our Technical guidance on age discrimination in services, public functions and associations.

Download as PDF Download as Word Supplement to the Statutory Code of Practice: Services, Public functions and Associations (PDF) Supplement to the Statutory Code of Practice: Services, Public functions and Associations (Word)